

Unser Leitsatz steht im Fokus eines jeden Projekts.

about MaNidus

We combine our core competency, structural planning, with modern and digital planning methods to generate the greatest added value for your project. Model-based planning is a given for us and you will notice the advantages of this in the early project phases. From residential areas to apartment buildings, office buildings, schools and local supply centers: we are available with our expertise and full commitment.

Markus Nitschke & Tom Frackenpohl

Since it was founded jointly by Markus Nitschke and Tom Frackenpohl, MaNidus has established itself as an innovative company that always strives to create new things and face the challenges of the future.

M.Sc. Tom Frackenpohl

  • mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Planung und Projektleitung im Bereich Tragwerksplanung
  • Lehrtätigkeit an der Berliner Hochschule für Technik (Fachrichtung Massivbau)
  • Baukammerpreisträger 2020 für herausragende Masterarbeit (Zur computergestützten Generierung von Stabwerkmodellen, TU Berlin)
  • Baukammer Mitglied
  • buildingSMART German Chapter Mitglied
  • buildingSMART Zertifizierung – openBIM (BuildingSMART Professional Certification Program)
  • Nachweisberechtigter Tragwerksplaner der Baukammer Berlin, Listennummer TWP-11622

Dipl.-Ing. Markus Nitschke

  • 20 Jahre Berufserfahrung
  • Leitende Tätigkeiten in der Tragwerksplanung
  • Mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Planungskoordination Rohbau von Großbaustellen
  • Lehrtätigkeit an der Berliner Hochschule für Technik (Fachrichtung Massivbau)
  • Baukammer Mitglied
  • Nachweisberechtigter Tragwerksplaner nach der Brandenburgischen Bauordnung, Listennummer 91426

“Working in partnership, be it with customers, specialist planners or internally in the team, is the key to our success. We value our partnerships and know that they make us stronger.”

Markus Nitscke


As a team, we have developed digital planning processes through which we maximize our quality and optimize resources and materials. At the same time
Our focus is on developing new, sustainable planning concepts.


Founding the company and building a motivated and both professionally and culturally diverse team


Official member of buildingSMART
BIM certification for employees


Expansion of BIM competence
Expansion of expertise in the area of ​​sustainable construction with wood-concrete hybrid constructions