Manidus GmbH

MaNidus is the construction planning office of Dipl.-Ing. Markus Nitschke from Berlin. The focus of our activities is the planning of structural solutions and the preparation of verifiable static calculations and design plans in reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete, steel construction, timber and masonry construction. We advise you in the structural and structural issues when it comes to the preservation or the new construction of your construction project but also for example for architectural competitions.

Managing director

Dipl.-Ing. Markus Nitschke

  • 20 years of professional experience
  • Senior activities in structural engineering
  • Several years of experience in planning coordination, shell construction of major construction sites
  • Teaching at the Beuth University specializing in solid construction
  • Building chamber member (Baukammer)
  • Authorized structural engineer according to the Brandenburg Building Code, list number 91426